Big Tone
Aka: Thunder Fingers
"All I have in this world is my Bass and my Balls and don't play with 'em for just anyone."
Also a Tenor in his local Choir.
On the run from the Shadow People (apparently).
Likes his tea, although 23 cups a day is his limit.
Pees alot (apparently).
Dark Monk
Drummer #1
This crazy son of bitch mainly eats Broccoli - not steamed or boiled just straight up hard core RAW!
He also shits in the woods.
The Sweat​
He Sweats. He Sweats a lot!
Mad Mich
Drummer #3
Not with the band anymore, drunk to much beer and fell off his stool.
He looked like a 70s porn star and said he was an accomplished high wire act from Brazil and Lucha Libre Wrestler aka Poison Blanco - he also answered to the name Dave.
Rumour has it The Dark Monk may have something to do with his disappearance?